Thank you to Teresa Stenson my incredibly talented friend for giving me the Stylish Blogger Award. In true blogger award tradition I must now tell you 7 things about myself :S Being fairly shy this may be the most you ever hear me speak/type so here goes......................
1. I am a duvet stealer
2. I can't sleep without a hot milk and whisky
3. I prefer cats to any other being on this planet
4. My honestly always get's me into trouble
5. I'm always late
6. I love being proven wrong
7. And finally I truly believe as Miss Monroe once said "if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
And now, here are the 7 blogs I've nominated.................1. Julia Pott2. Tornadoes and Tigers3. Oh Leoluca4. The Jealous Curator5. Essimar6. Astulabee7. Digilisciousenjoy! x x x